Everybody likes to have something to look forward to. A fun and easy way to look forward to something is while celebrating annual events. Events so fun that when they are over, people say, “we should do this every year!” In our continuous efforts to “connect the fun to the fun people”, we present our MurphGuide List of Annual Events and how to celebrate them in and around NYC for the month of August, 2018.
MurphGuide Listing of Annual Events in NYC
August 2018
July 29-Aug. 25: Harlem Week via Harlem Local
1st-4th: Long Beach International Film Festival LongBeachFilm.com
2nd: IPA Day DaysoftheYear.com
3rd: International Beer Day InternationalBeerDay.com
4th: American Homebrewers Association Mead Day HomeBrewersAssociation.org
4th: Coney Island Music Festival CImusicfestival.com
5th: National Oyster Day NationalOysterDay.com
5th: Steve Belson Memorial Ocean Swim & Music Festival belsonmemorial.blogspot.com
11th: Elements Music & Arts Festival Elementsfest.nyc
11th: Long Island Craft Beer Classic LICraftClassic.com
11th – 12th: The Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival HKDBF-NY.org
11th-12th: USA Rugby Emirates Airline Club 7s National Championship USAclub7s.com
12th: Giglio Society Feast EastHarlemGiglio.org
12th: Run for Rose FI5K.org
13th: Subway Series (Mets at Yankees)
13th: National Prosecco Day NationalDayCalendar.com
16th: Time Out NY’s Battle of the Burger TimeOut.com
16th: National Rum Day RumDay.com
16th: Alive After Five AliveAfterFive.com
16th-26th: Little League World Series: LittleLeague.org
17th-19th: Gavin’s Irish Music Weekend GavinsInn.com
18th: National Fajita Day NationalDayCalendar.com
18th: Hudson River Park’s Blues BBQ Festival HudsonRiverPark.org
19th: New York Cocktail Expo NYCocktailExpo.com
19th: Brooklyn Mile BrooklynMile.com
19th: India Day Parade FIANYNJCT.org
23rd-26th: Charlie Parker Jazz Festival CityParksFoundation.org
25th: Brooklyn Loves Michael Jackson Block Party instagram.com/officialspikelee
25th: Long Island Scottish Festival & Games LIScots.org
25th-26th: Margarita March MargaritaMarch.com
25th-26th: Afro Punk Festival AfroPunkFest.com
25th, 30th & 31st: NCAA College Football Season Week 1 schedule: espn.go.com
26th: International Go Topless Day GoTopless.org
27th – Sep. 9th: US Open Tennis USOpen.org
30th – Sep. 2 NYC Unicycle Festival NYCUnifest.com
Aug. 31 – Sep. 2: Electric Zoo Festival ElectricZooFestival.com