Everybody likes to have something to look forward to. A fun and easy way to look forward to something is while celebrating annual events. The type of events that are so fun that when they are over, people say, “we should do this every year!” In our continuous efforts to “connect the fun to the fun people”, we present our MurphGuide List of Annual Events in and around NYC.
June 2018
15th: The Joy of Sake JoyofSake.com
July 2018
1st: NYC Triathalon NYCTri.com
1st: Canada Day
2nd-15th: French Restaurant Week FrenchRestaurantWeek.com
4th: Independence Day
4th: Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest NathansFamous.com
4th: Macy’s Fireworks Macys.com
7th: National Dive Bar Day nationaldaycalendar.com
9th-14th: Brooklyn Hip Hop Festival BkHipHopFestival.com
11th: National Mojito Day Nationaldaycalendar.com
11th: Summer Screen Opening Night SummerScreen.org
11th: Free Slupee Day 7-eleven.com
12th-15th: Great South Bay Music Festival GreatSouthBayMusicFestival.com
12th-13th: Manhattanhenge amnh.org
13th-15th: NY Empire State Tattoo Expo WorldTattooevents.com
14th: Bastille Day
14th: Body Painting Day BodyPaintingDay.org
14th: Farm On! Foundation Hoot! FarmonFoundation.org
16th: MLB Home Run Derby mlb.com
16th: Harriman Cup HarrimanCup.org
16th-17th: Amazon Prime Day Amazon.com
17th: MLB All-Star Game: MLB.com
17th: Party With Purpose 5K PartywithPurpose.org
18th: National Hot Dog Day DaysoftheYear.com
18th: NYC Brewer’s Choice NYCBrewersChoice.com
19th: National Daquiri Day NationalDayCalendar.com
19th: Alive After Five AliveAfterFive.com
20th-22nd: Subway Series: Yankees at Mets Viewing Guide
21st: Come Out & Play Festival ComeOutandPlay.org
21st: Curlfest curlygirlcollective.com
23rd – Aug. 17: NYC Summer Restaurant Week NYCgo.com
24th: National Tequila Day NationalDayCalendar.com
26th-29th: Animation Block Party AnimationBlock.com
27th-29th: Panorama Music Festival Panorama.nyc
27th: National Scotch Day NationalDayCalendar.com
28th: Coney Island Talent Show ConeyIslandTalentShow.com
28th: National Swiss Day SwissNationalDayNYC.org
28th: Two Bridges Music Festival facebook.com
28th-29th: NYC Poetry Festival NewYorkCityPoetryFestival.com
29th: National Chicken Wing Day NationalDayCalendar.com
31st: National Avocado Day NationalDayCalendar.com