[#2 in our series on 2009 Cinco de Mayo events in NYC]
From the creators of the record making Luck of the Irish Pub Crawl comes the next installment:
Cinco de Mayo Pub Crawl.
This event will take two days, starting with the Saturday before Cinco de Mayo, and concluding on Tuesday, May 5: Cinco de Mayo itself.
$15 admission includes drink specials at over 50 participating bars.
Drink specials include:
$1 Bud Light Drafts
2 for 1 Coronas
$3 Tequila Shots
Tickets are on-sale now via etix.com:
$15 per ticket for Saturday, May 2 and Tuesday, May 5.
Go both days and save big: A Two-Day ticket is $20:
There are 5 registration bars, in various neighborhoods on the east side of Manhattan, from the East Village all the way up to the Upper East Side.
Registration Bars:
East Village:Village Pourhouse
64 Third Ave. (11th St)
New York
(212) 979-BEER
120 E. 15th St.
(bet. Irving Pl. & Union Sq.)
New York, NY
Midtown:T.G. Whitney’s
244 E. 53rd St.
(bet. 2nd & 3rd Ave.)
New York, NY
(212) 888-5772
Upper East (70s):Stir
1363 First Ave.
(bet. 73rd & 74th St.)
New York, NY
(212) 744-7190
Upper East (90s):
1770 Second Ave.
(between 92nd & 93rd St.)
(212) 410-3300