If you love karaoke, love boobies and hate cancer, this is an event for you:
On Saturday, January 22, 2011, Hooray for Boobies presents: Sing a Song, Save a Boobie, an event to raise breast cancer awareness. Founded by cancer survivor Jenny Saldaña, Hooray for Boobies is a productions company dedicated to organizing fund raising events. Jenny took time out from her busy schedule to answer our questions:

First of all, congratulations on beating cancer, and your 5 year milestone. How are you feeling?
WONDERFUL! Looking back now at the day I was diagnosed 5 years ago (1/4/2006) the 5 year mark (which officially puts me in remission) seemed like a lifetime away. 5 years later I still can’t believe it actually happened. I’m a CANCER survivor! Never thought I’d say those words.
You have many roles: Actor/Writer/Director/Inspirational Speaker. Which is your favorite and why?
Wow! I’ve never been asked this before. Acting is the easiest because I’ve always been a ham; directing is the hardest because I’m still thinking like an actor; Inspirational speaker and writing are the most rewarding right now because I’m the most open and true. Writing is my favorite because it’s something I never thought I would accomplish. I think about all those 5 page essays I had to write in school and how long they seemed and now look at me.
Tell us a little about the Hurray for Boobies production company. How did you get it started, what does it do, and where do you see it going in the future?
Hooray for Boobies started out as a cute title for my one year anniversary party back in 2007. I decided to make the party a fund raiser and give back to the American Cancer Society. The party was a hit and there began my fund raising efforts. What HFB does is throw FABULOUS parties (a little crazy and debaucherous at times) all to raise money for breast cancer. We don’t want to reinvent the wheel. There are many organizations out there already doing wonderful work in the field so what HFB does is provide grants to keep their mission going. We also want to concentrate on young breast cancer survivors (anyone diagnosed under 40) since they tend to get swept under the rug at times due to the fact that their isn’t proper breast screening for them before 40.
Do you have any words of advice for someone going through treatment for cancer?
Learn to say “no, I want, I need, and gimme!”, since this is not the time to be too proud to ask for anything you may need or want. Listen to your body and REST! Think positively, I know you’ve heard it a million times, but if you let the mention of the big C bring you down, then it will. Fight with all you have because no one will do it for you. And lastly, when you finally graduate, (That’s what I called getting to the other side of treatment, when you’re done and now can resume your life), pay it forward and tell your story to anyone who will listen. You might just save a life.
Any amusing anecdotes to share from your experiences?
I lost my right breast, and when I heard that this was going to happen I said to the doctor: “I guess I’ll have to get implants.” Doctor: “That’s one option, but we can also give you a tummy tuck and reconstruct the breast from you stomach tissue,fat and skin.” Me, through tears: “Hold the phone! I’m getting a tummy tuck? This ain’t so bad!” I now call it my Tummy Tit (Or Belly Boob, depending on my audience!)
Are you working on any new projects?
Right now I’m working on a book about my breast cancer journey. It will be a comedic book because comedy is the way I chose to deal with my diagnosis. So be on the look out for it. I don’t have an official title for it yet, so just remember my name…. or keep up with me on Facebook, Twitter or my website: JennySaldana.com
Where will you be watching the Jets-Steelers playoff game on Sunday?
I’m a New Yorker till the day I die, and I never root against the home team…but I graduated from the University of Pittsburgh and I LOVE the Steelers. The Grisly Pear is a Steelers bar so if I don’t watch at home I might swing by and pretend I’m in the ‘Burgh at the Pear.
Regarding your upcoming event “Sing a Song Save a Boobies“: What can someone expect to see at your “Sing a Song Save a Boobie” event at The Grisly Pear?
I LOVE karaoke as do most people. At Sing a Song we charge per song and all the money from this event will go to fund an American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life event. We will have drink specials, raffles and giveaways for all who participate. My very good friends Lisi and Gary Miller are part owners of the Grisly Pear and they actually were the ones who suggested I have an event there and thus, “Sing a Song Save a Boobie!” was born! I LOVE the Grisly Pear because it has a great back room for the event, the food is awesome and the staff is always friendly. They have always supported Hooray for Boobies and for that I will be forever grateful.
What songs will you be singing?
Being the ham that I am, I will be hosting the event, so you’ll see me on stage a lot. You’ll have to come and check me out to see what I sing. I will guarantee you a smoking hot version of Sonny and Cher’s “I’ve Got You Babe” from me and my BFF Leni.
Saturday, January 22
Sing a Song Save a Boobie
Hosted by Jenny Saldaña
You love Karaoke, You love Boobies
Combine the two at this fund raising Karaoke event.
No cover. Suggested minimum donation of $1 for each song you perform.
Drink specials all night and freebies
All to benefit breast cancer awareness
This event will also kick off the year long celebration of Jenny Saldaña’s offical REMISSION from breast cancer (5 years down and life to go)
RSVP via facebook
Grisly Pear
107 MacDougal St.
(between Minetta Lane & Bleecker St.)
Greenwich Village
New York, NY