Introducing a new feature on Spotlight Artist
(a.k.a. Artist of the Week, or Artist of the Day, depending on how frequently we update).
Our first featured artist is Michael James and his band, Midnight Mob.
Band Lineup:
Blackey- Lead Vocals
Mickey Squeeze- Lead Guitar
Spydyr- Rhythm Guitar
Michael James- Drums
Carly Quinn – Bass
How long have you been performing? And how long in NYC?
Midnight Mob has been together since Feb. ’09. Actually our very first gig was at Klub 45 Connolly’s in Time Square in Feb 09′. They put us on at Midnight.
What are your musical past lives (i.e., previous bands, your early years, etc.)
I have been playing out since I was 13 so the past 9 years, and accomplished a couple of regional tours in that time. The younger members of the band: Blackey, Carly, and Spydyr have never performed in a band or had stage experience before joining the group. Squeeze has had a lot of teaching experience, but has been in and out of bands for most of his playing career.
What is your favorite venue to play?
One of our favorites is Crash Mansion on Bowery. It has an awesome atmosphere. The crowd pushes right up to the front of the stage and they absolutely love our blend of psychedelic sex rock.
Where can we hear/buy your music?
You can hear our music streaming at our facebook fan page and on Myspace. We have been in talks with some indie and major labels. Right now we are planning a digital release of our single “Over Drive”.
What are some of your musical influences:
Guns ‘N Roses, Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith, Stone Temple Pilots, Buckcherry, Social Distortion, Joan Jett and the Black Hearts.
Tell us a story about performing live in NYC.
One of our first shows in the city was at a club of some significant prestige. The show was double booked and on top of that the toilet was flooded, so went on at at about 2:30 in a very literal cesspool.
Do you have any advice to share with someone just starting out?
Music is art, Music is passion, but it also is a business. Midnight Mob practices six days a week, promotes endlessly and we still feel we need to do more to become a better unit and get our music out there. Want to be in a successful band? You need to WORK for it and then WORK some more!
Can you recommend another local act we should feature on MurphGuide?
Exemption. Bad ass three piece out of New York. They play Brooklyn and the city all the time. If you dig Midnight Mob you will love these guys. They have been called the heavy metal Beatles.
[update: Exemption was featured here on MurphGuide on Aug. 2. 2010]
OK, time for some blatant self-promotion:
What would you like to plug?
Sunday, June 27th, 2010, 8:30pm
Midnight Mob
Live @ Main Stage Webster Hall
Part of Emergenza US Finals
All ages show, get your tickets from the band for $20 or at the door for $25.
Webster Hall
125 E. 11th St.
(bet. 3rd & 4th Ave.)
New York, NY
Facebook: jointhemidnightmob
Twitter: @midnightmob101
Reverb Nation: midnightmob
Sonic bids: electronic press kit
Myspace: jointhemidnightmob
Youtube: themidnightmob
Below see the video for their single, “Overdrive”:
Video by Mark of Suddenly Tragic on Vimeo.
Photos by Elmer Escobar