College Bowl Games

College Bowl season is in full swing. Check out our directory of NY Sports Bars on good places to watch the games, and our special College Football page for where the alumni clubs go to for their game watch parties.

Thursday, Jan. 1
11am: Outback Bowl: Iowa vs. South Carolina
1pm: Capital One Bowl: Michigan State vs. Georgia
1pm: Gator Bowl: Clemson vs. Nebraska
5pm: Rose Bowl: Southern California vs. Penn State
8pm: Orange Bowl: Cincinnati vs. Virginia Tech

Friday, January 2
2pm Cotton Bowl: Texas Tech vs. Mississippi
5pm Liberty Bowl: East Carolina vs. Kentucky
8:30pm Sugar Bowl: Alabama vs. Utah

Saturday, January 3
noon International Bowl: Connecticut vs. Buffalo

Monday, January 5
8pm Fiesta Bowl: Texas vs. Ohio State

Tuesday, January 6
8pm GMAC Bow: Tulsa vs. Ball State

Thursday, January 8
8pm BCS title game Oklahoma vs. Florida

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