The Big Quiz Thing’s 200th Episode – Monday, August 31

Congratulations to Noah Tarnow on this impressive milestone:
The 200th episode of his live quiz night, “The Big Quiz Thing”.

Monday, August 31 The Big Quiz Thing
200th Episode Spectacular
With “The Bipolar Movie Challenge”
Slooow Songs
and more

Cash prizes: First prize increased to $300 for this special event (regularly $200)
Second prize, usually $50, is bumped up to $100.
Hosted by quizmastered by Noah Tarnow, with EDP and DJ GB
$10 admission
Le Poisson Rouge
158 Bleecker St. (Thompson St.)
New York, NY

(Gretchen Brennisen, a.k.a. DJ BG, quizmaster Noah Tarnow and Eric de Picciotto, a.k.a. EDP)

Le Poisson Rouge
Big Quiz Thing (blog)
Big Quiz Thing (twitter)
The Big Quiz Thing (Time Out New York)
“We’ll Think to That” (NY Post)
MurphGuide Directory of NYC Pub Quizzes

Below is an example of their “Three Degrees of TV Separation” video quiz:

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