Saturday, May 19
Lit Crawl NYC – Brooklyn Edition
“Where Literature Hits the Streets”
Lit Crawl started in New York in 2008 as an east coast extension of San Francisco’s Litquake. Now held annually in Manhattan, this year Lit Crawl also includes a Brooklyn version, kicking off on Saturday, May 19, 2012.
Phase 1: 6 – 6:45 pm
1. Britain Live! A Liars’ League Salon
Zombie Hut (21+)
273 Smith St.
To celebrate the launch of its latest issue, Granta magazine teams up with Liars’ League NYC, the newest branch of the London-based salon which features actors performing new fiction. Actors will perform “The Gun,” a new story by Mark Haddon, and debut writer Sam Byers’ darkly comic story “Some Other Katherine.”
2. Knit Lit
La Casita Yarn Shop
253 Smith Street
Knitters knit. Writers write. And sometimes writers knit (or vice versa). Beth Hahn,Perri Klass, and Elinor Lipman do it all.
3. The Writing Program of Pratt Institute presents “Art School Confidential”
People’s Republic of Brooklyn (PRB) (21+)
247 Smith Street
Novelists Samantha Hunt (The Invention of Everything Else), James Hannaham (God Says No), and Thad Ziolkowski (Wichita) read artwork-inspired fiction.
4. Cambridge Writers Workshop Literary Cabaret
Ceol (21+)
191 Smith Street
Drawing from a literary treasure box of prompts, dialogue, and other surprises, hosts Diana Norma Szokolyai, Rita Banerjee, Gregory Crosby, and Leah Umansky will call up volunteer readers/performers for interludes of poetry, rants, and character sketches. It’s a literary masquerade where you don’t know which character from which century will make the next appearance.
5. Akashic Celebrates Spring Fiction
Camp (21+)
179 Smith Street
Celebrate fiction with readings by three of Akashic’s stellar authors: Shira Nayman (A Mind of Winter), Eliza Factor (The Mercury Fountain), and Lonely Christopher (The Mechanics of Homosexual Intercourse).
6. Literary Taboo with Electric Literature
Boat Bar (21+)
175 Smith Street
There are some things you should never admit about your literary history (like that you’ve never read Moby Dick or that you cried at the end of Harry Potter). And there’s plenty about literature that you should never say aloud. Join Electric Literature’s Recommended Reading for a night of Literary Taboo hosted by Seth Fried, author ofThe Great Frustration.
7. Brooklyn Writers Space: Say Anything
163 Court Street
Was everything really OK for Lloyd Dobler and Diane Court when the no smoking sign dinged off? Come find out what members of the Brooklyn Writers Space think happened after the ending of Say Anything. Terence Degnan, Jim Hanas, Heidi Schreck, Amy Sohn, and Kate Cortesi read original works.
Phase 2: 7 – 7:45 pm
8. Brooklyn College
Last Exit (21+)
136 Atlantic Avenue
Spend an evening with Brooklyn College’s MFA program and its next generation of poets, playwrights, and fiction writers. Featuring student and faculty readers from all three genres, it promises to be an action-packed night.
9. Tin House Presents: Science Fair
The Brazen Head (21+)
228 Atlantic Avenue
Tin House presents a Science Fair, with Michelle Legro, Rachel Riederer, and editors Rob Spillman and Emma Komlos-Hrobsky giving away cocktails and magazines to anyone science savvy enough to answer our trivia questions. Brief presentations from the latest issue, Science Fair, and lots of weird questions. And, yes, we’ll probably blow some stuff up.
10. The Coffin Factory Presents: The Dirty Parts
Boat Bar (21+)
175 Smith Street
Sexy bits of literature featuring readings from Justin Taylor and Steve Danziger.
11. PEN Poets: An Evening with PEN American Center
163 Court Street
Join us for a night of poetry, wine, and talk at Brooklyn’s beloved BookCourt, where poets and PEN Members Catherine Barnett, Monica Ferrell, and Cathy Park Hong will read from their new work and engage the audience in conversation.
12. NY Writers Coalition Day 10th Anniversary Reading
Micro Museum
123 Smith Street
NYWC, one of the world’s largest community-based writing programs, features work fresh off the pens from its unprecedented day of free writing workshops in iconic community spaces (the subway, Staten Island, parks, and more!). Special guest readers will join in the fun.
13. Armchair/Shotgun’s Old-Timey Radio Show
61 Local (21+)
61 Bergen Street
Armchair/Shotgun, along with authors Dolan Morgan, Zachary White, and Alanna Bailey, perform a radio drama. Live! On Stage! “With Sound Effects and Everything!” It’s the Armchair/Shotgun Old-Timey Radio Hour. (Or rather, 45 minutes…)
After Party
8 p.m. on
61 Local (21+)
61 Bergen Street
Party lit-style with DJ Gregoire (Greg Young of the Bowery Boys: NYC History), local beers on tap (including some great Sixpoint brews), and Crawl author book sales by itinerant bookshop, Bibliolotry.