[Part of our month-long series on the best New Year’s Eve parties in New York City]
Meetup.com is the world’s largest network of local groups. There are a lot of fun groups for every interest you can imagine. Here are some fun New Year’s Eve Meetups in NYC.
Friday, December 31, 2010
The New York Beer Meetup Group ( NYC Beer )Hosted by Bill
No cover charge, pay as you go.
Music, balloon drop, party favors, hats
free champagne toast at midnight
David Copperfield’s
1394 York Ave. (74th St.)
New York, NY
(212) 734-6152
Friday, December 31, 2010
NY Celtic Music Meetup Group (hosted by Sile)
and The Irish in New York Meetup Group (hosted by Sile)
and The Irish Film & TV Lovers Meetup Group (hosted by Ria)Black 47:
New Year’s Eve show at Connolly’s
$20 admission
Purchase tickets online: black47.tickets.musictoday.com
Doors open 8pm
121 W. 45th St. (between 6th & 7th Ave.)
Times Square
New York, NY
(212) 597-5126
Friday, December 31, 2010
Our Own Damn Happy Hour MeetupKristen, Marjorie & Doug host…
Our Own Damn Happy Hour (Ages 30-50)
They are meeting at Patrick Kavanagh’s
no cover
Come as you are, casual attire
Patrick Kavanagh’s
497 3rd Ave.
New York, NY
(212) 889-4304
Friday, December 31, 2010
Meet Market Adventures
Annual New Year’s Eve Party.
They have put their marketing into over-drive by teaming up with several meetup groups to co-host this event.Participating Meetup groups include:
New York City Social Group
(hosted by Robert & Laura)
NY Business Professionals & Entrepreneurs Meetup
(hosted by Chris)
New York Social Activities Group (hosted by Tori)
NY Meetup (hosted by Greg)
$70 admission
Purchase tickets on-line
247 W. 37th St.
New York NY
Friday, December 31, 2010
Manhattan Social Wine Tasting Meetup GroupHosted by Lyndon of Manhattan Wine Group
$60 includes:
Open bar 9pm – 11pm
2 hours of Italian gourmet buffet. 9pm-11pm
Live jazz band
Grotta Azzurra
177 Mulberry St.
New York, NY
Friday, December 31, 2010
Craft Beer NYC Meetup
New Year’s Eve Partyhosted by Steve
$40 includes beer from 9:30 to midnight
at a new sports bar & lounge in Williamsburg
4th Down
170 N 4th St.
(Between Bedford Ave. & Driggs)
Williamsburg, Brooklyn NY
Friday, December 31, 20101001 Things To Do To Make Me a Real New Yorker
New Years Eve Party + Potluck at Dusk
Bring whatever you’d like:
snacks, chips, veggies and dip, etc.
Dusk provides the drinks, party favors & music
Free champagne toast at midnight
147 W. 24th St.
(bet. 6th & 7th Ave.)
New York, NY
(212) 924-4490
For a listing of over 165 New Year’s Eve parties in NYC, check out our special New Year’s Eve page: Murphguide.com/newyear