Live music can be found in the bars, clubs and music venues of New York City 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Here are some of Murph’s suggestions for this week:
[Sunday] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday] [Friday] [Saturday] [Sunday]
Sunday, December 20, 2015
The Bleedin’ Shamrocks at The Long Hall: 58 E. 34th St. (between 5th & Madison Ave.) New York, NY. (646) 455-0777
- An Irish Christmas: A Musical Solstice Celebration featuring Mick Moloney and Athena Tergis 5pm at Peter Jay Sharp Theatre at Symphony Space: 2537 Broadway (95th St.), New York, NY [tickets]
- TJ Fox 8pm at The Dugout: 39-76 61st St. (between Roosevelt Ave. & Woodside Ave.) Woodside, Queens, NY. (718) 429-8849
- Ray Greiche solo acoustic 8:30pm at Moriarty’s: 986 McLean Ave., Yonkers, NY
- Aaron Short 2pm at Draught 55: 245 E. 55th St. (Second Ave.) New York, NY
Every Sunday:
- Sean McNally every Sunday at The Porterhouse at Fraunces Tavern: 54 Pearl St. (Broad St.) New York, NY (212) 968-1776.
- The Scratcher Sessions 7-9pm at The Scratcher: 209 E. 5th St. (between 2nd & 3rd Ave.) New York, NY (212) 477-0030
- 2nd Avenue Mountain Boys 1pm – 4pm at The Strand Smokehouse: 25-27 Broadway (between Crescent St. & 29th St.) Astoria, Queens, NY. (718) 440-3231
- Traditional Irish Seisiun every Sunday 6-9pm at The Dead Rabbit: 30 Water St., New York, NY
- Tony DeMarco every Sunday at 11th Street Bar: 510 E. 11th St. (between Ave. A & B) New York, NY (212) 982-3929
- The Turn 9pm at The Playwright Tavern: 202 W. 49th St. (between Broadway & 8th Ave.) New York, NY. (212) 262-922
- Martin Flynn at Lily Flanagan’s: 345 Deer Park Ave., Babylon, NY
[Sunday] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday] [Friday] [Saturday] [Sunday]
Monday, December 21, 2015
Dirty Water Dogs at The Ear Inn: 326 Spring St. (between Washington & Greenwich St.) New York, NY. (212) 431-9750
- The Last Whoorah 9pm – midnight at The Living Room: 134 Metropolitan Ave. (between Wythe Ave. & Berry St.) Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY (718) 782-6600
- Side Saddle 8pm at Sweet Afton: 30-09 34th St. Astoria, NY
- Patty Furlong at Landmark Tavern: 626 Eleventh Ave. (46th St.) New York, NY (212) 247-2562.
Every Monday:
- Blarney Star Trad session: Don Meade and friends 8-11pm at Landmark Tavern: 626 Eleventh Ave. (46th St.) New York, NY (212) 247-2562.
Piano Karaoke with Joe McGinty hosted by Armando Alexander 8pm – 12am at The Club Room at Soho Grand: 310 W. Broadway, New York, NY
- Siamsa – Irish Night at Theatre 80: 80 St. Marks Place (near 1st Ave.) New York, NY (212) 388-0388
- Tara O’Grady 7:30-10:30pm at LOCL Bar @ NYLO Hotel: 2178 Broadway (77th St.) New York, NY
- Bluegrass 7:30pm at Paddy Reilly’s: 519 Second Ave. (29th St.) New York, NY (212) 686-1210.
[Sunday] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday] [Friday] [Saturday] [Sunday]
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Jeff Tuohy at Handcraft Kitchen & Cocktails: 367 Third Ave. (between 26th & 27th St.) New York, NY. (212) 689-3000
- Brian Ripps 9pm at Turtle Bay: 987 Second Ave. (between 52nd & 53rd St.) New York, NY. (212) 223-4224
- Artists Without Walls featuring poets, dancers, writers and musicians with Niamh Hyland, Connie Roberts, Peter Chance Nolan, Mary Susan Sinclair Kuenning, Jim Phalen, Cecil Hooker, Michael Muller, Honor Molloy, Noah Hoffeld and more at at The Cell Theater: 338 W. 23rd St. (between 7th & 8th Ave.) New York, NY [RSVP]
Ronnie Spector’s Best Christmas Party Ever 8pm at City Winery: 155 Varick St. (Vandam St.) New York, NY. (212) 608-0555 [tickets]
- King Daniel December residency Tuesdays at Pianos: 158 Ludlow St. (Stanton St.), New York, NY. (212) 505-3733
Every Tuesday:
- Open trad session 8pm at Dempsey’s Pub: 61 E. Second Ave. (bet. 3rd & 4th St.) New York, NY (212) 388-0662
- Mary Courtney w/Donie Ryan 5-9pm every Monday at The Crooked Knife: 29 E. 30th St. (bet Madison & Park Ave.) New York, NY (212) 696-2593
- Dan Canavin every Tuesday 8pm at Quinn’s Pub: 354 W. 44th St. (between 8th & 9th Ave.) New York, NY (212) 445-0131
- Total Request Tuesdays w/ Skeedle Bros. 9pm-12am at Prohibition: 503 Columbus Ave. (between 84th & 85th St.) New York, NY
- Tony DeMarco every Tuesday at Swift Hibernian Lounge: 34 E. 4th St. (bet. Bowery & Lafayette), New York, NY. (212) 227-9438
- Tara O’Grady 8-11pm at Winnie’s Prohibition Lounge, Refinery Hotel: 63 W. 38 St. (6th Ave.) New York, NY
[Sunday] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday] [Friday] [Saturday] [Sunday]
Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Enda Keegan 8pm at The Harp Raw Bar & Grill: 729 Third Ave. (between 45th & 46th St.) New York, NY. (212) 818-0123
- The Bleedin’ Shamrocks at The Long Hall: 58 E. 34th St. (between 5th & Madison Ave.) New York, NY. (646) 455-0777
- Ray Greiche solo acoustic 9pm at Green Rock: 70 Hudson St. Hoboken, NJ
Every Wednesday:
- The Lost Tribe of Donegal 8:30-11:30pm at Quinn’s Pub: 354 W. 44th St. (between 8th & 9th Ave.) New York, NY (212) 445-0131
- Terry Waldo ragtime pianist, 8:30pm – 1:30am every Wednesday at The Dead Rabbit: 30 Water St. (between Broad St. & Coenties Slip), New York, NY (646) 422-7906
- The Turn 8:30-11:30pm at Mad River Bar: 1442 Third Ave. (between 81st & 82nd St.) New York, NY (212) 988-1832
- The Gramercy Seisiun traditional Irish session 7pm at The Gramercy House: 272 Third Ave. (between 21st & 22nd St.) New York, NY
- The Skeedle Brothers at Safari Beach Club: 40-05 Bell Blvd. (40th Ave.) Bayside, Queens, NY. (718) 224-0690
[Sunday] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday] [Friday] [Saturday] [Sunday]
Thursday, December 24, 2015
- Brian Ripps 9pm at The Irish Pub: 837 Seventh Ave. New York, NY
- Mary Courtney’s Ballad Session 6-8pm at An Beal Bocht Cafe: 445 W. 238th St. Bronx, New York (718) 884-7127
Every Thursday:
- Niall O’Leary Irish Culture Night at Paddy Reilly’s: 519 Second Ave. (29th St.) New York, NY (212) 686-1210.
[Sunday] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday] [Friday] [Saturday] [Sunday]
Friday, December 25, 2015
Happy Christmas
- Enda Keegan 10pm at The Playwright Tavern: 202 W. 49th St. (between Broadway & 8th Ave.) New York, NY (212) 262-9229
Every Friday:
- “Saved by the 90s“ party with The Bayside Tigers at Webster Hall: 125 E. 11th St. (between 3rd & 4th Ave.) New York, NY. (212) 353-1600
[Sunday] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday] [Friday] [Saturday] [Sunday]
Saturday, December 26, 2015
- TJ Fox 10pm at Pig n Whistle Times Square: 144 W. 46th St. (between Sixth & Seventh Ave.) New York, NY.
- Wild Hearted Son 10pm at Woodhaven House: 63-98 Woodhaven Blvd. Rego Park, NY. (718) 894-5400
Every Saturday:
Live Irish Music Seisiun with Tony DeMarco & friends 9pm – 1am at The Harp Raw Bar & Grill: 729 Third Ave. (between 45th & 46th St.) New York, NY. (212) 818-0123
- Enda Keegan 10pm at Rosie O’Grady’s: 800 7th Ave. (W. 52nd St.) New York, NY (212) 582-2975
- Jazz brunch with Emily Asher’s Garden Party 1-4pm at Fraunces Tavern: 54 Pearl St. (Broad St.) New York, NY (212) 968-1776
- Allen Gogarty at Fraunces Tavern: 54 Pearl St. (Broad St.) New York, NY (212) 968-1776.
- The Stone Street Sessions 10pm at Ulysses’: 95 Pearl St. / 58 Stone St. New York, NY (212) 482-0400
- Live music 10pm at Burke’s Bar: 645 Bronx River Rd. Yonkers, NY
- Patrick Madden & friends, trad session every Saturday 9pm at St. Andrew’s: 140 W. 46th St. (between 6th & 7th Ave.) New York, NY
- The Raging Hornpipes 11pm every Saturday at Paddy Reilly’s: 519 Second Ave. (29th St.) New York, NY (212) 686-1210.
- The Lost Tribe of Donegal every Saturday at Rocky Sullivan’s: 34 Van Dyke St. (Dwight St.) Red Hook, Brooklyn, NY. (718) 246-8050
[Sunday] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday] [Friday] [Saturday] [Sunday]
Sunday, December 27, 2015
- TJ Fox 8pm at Pig n Whistle on 3rd: 922 Third Ave. (between 55th & 56th St.)
- Aaron Short 2pm at Draught 55: 245 E. 55th St. (Second Ave.) New York, NY
Every Sunday:
- Sean McNally every Sunday at The Porterhouse at Fraunces Tavern: 54 Pearl St. (Broad St.) New York, NY (212) 968-1776.
- The Scratcher Sessions 7-9pm at The Scratcher: 209 E. 5th St. (between 2nd & 3rd Ave.) New York, NY (212) 477-0030
- 2nd Avenue Mountain Boys 1pm – 4pm at The Strand Smokehouse: 25-27 Broadway (between Crescent St. & 29th St.) Astoria, Queens, NY. (718) 440-3231
- Traditional Irish Seisiun every Sunday 6-9pm at The Dead Rabbit: 30 Water St., New York, NY
- Tony DeMarco every Sunday at 11th Street Bar: 510 E. 11th St. (between Ave. A & B) New York, NY (212) 982-3929
- The Turn 9pm at The Playwright Tavern: 202 W. 49th St. (between Broadway & 8th Ave.) New York, NY. (212) 262-922
- Martin Flynn at Lily Flanagan’s: 345 Deer Park Ave., Babylon, NY
[Sunday] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday] [Friday] [Saturday] [Sunday]
Please note: All listings here are subject to change. We will do our best to keep this listing accurate, but it is a good idea to confirm with the venue before heading to a show. Please report any corrections in the comments below. Thanks.
If you are a musician performing in the NYC area, you can submit your show listings here.
See our MurphGuide Directory of live music venues in NYC