Saturday, October 26, 2013
Pumpkin Carving Party
One Mile House is getting a whole bunch of pumpkins and letting their patrons carve them. They supply all the tools and of course great beer. You supply all the creative talent. There will be $100 Gift Certificate to OMH for the most creative and well executed pumpkin. All carving will be done on the back patio
Beer Lineup:
Southern Tier Pumking
Southern Tier Warlock
Timmerman’s Pumpkin Lambic
Smuttynose Pumpkin Ale
Barrier SaazSquash
The Bruery Autumn Maple
Plus a whole lot more.
RSVP via facebook
One Mile House
10 Delancey St.
(between Bowery & Christie St.)
New York, NY
(646) 559-0702