Groundhog Day is about as bogus a holiday as you can get. Who really cares what happens with Punxsutawny Phil, (or the wannabes, such as Staten Island Chuck, Buckeye Chuck, Balzac Billy, General Beauragard Lee, and the rest). Whether they see their shadow or not, there are still 7 weeks until Spring.
So let’s have some fun with it instead.
In honor of Groundhog Day, East Village bar Finnerty’s will be showing the classic 1993 film, “Groundhog Day” (starring Bill Murray), all day. On repeat. Anyone named Ned drinks free. (Must show ID of course).
Thursday, February 2, 2012
all day at:
221 Second Ave.
(between 13th & 14th St.)
New York, NY
(212) 677-2655
If you are not sure who Ned Ryerson is, see this clip below from “Groundhog Day”: