Santacon is a non-denominational, non-commercial, non-political and non-sensical Santa Claus convention that occurs once a year for absolutely no reason. This year, Santacon NYC 2018 takes place on Saturday, Dec. 14, 2019.
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Santacon NYC 2019
Santacon is collecting money to raise funds for some very worthy charities.
Donate $13
RSVP via facebook
Connect with Santacon:
Official website:
Follow on twitter @santacon
RSVP via facebook
Text Message “Follow Santacon” to 40404
The 5 F’s of SantaCon
1. Don’t F*ck with Kids
2. Don’t F*ck with Cops
3. Don’t F*ck with Bar Staff
4. Don’t F*ck with NYC
5. Don’t F*ck with Santa’s Charity Mission
Official Participating Venues:
W. 20s / Chelsea:
Doux: 59 W. 21st St. (between Fifth & Sixth Ave.) (212) 359-4200
The Hog Pit: 37B W. 26th St. (bet. Broadway & Sixth Ave.) (212) 213-4871
Jake’s Saloon: 202 Ninth Ave. (between 22nd & 23rd St.) (212) 366-5110
Jake’s Saloon: 206 W. 23rd St. (7th Ave.) (212) 337-3100
JJ Kinahan’s: 757 Sixth Ave. (between 25th & 26th St.) (646) 476-6272
Mustang Harry’s: 354 Seventh Ave. (between 29th & 30th St.) (212) 268-8930
Steak n Lobster: 129 W. 29th St. (bet. Sixth & Seventh Ave.) (212) 564-2929
The Storehouse: 69 W. 23rd St. (between Fifth & Sixth Ave.) (212) 243-8898
Taj: 48 W. 21st St. (between Fifth & Sixth Ave.) (212) 620-3033
Walter’s Bar: 389 Eighth Ave. (between 29th & 30th St.) (212) 502-4023
E. 20s / Gramercy:
Plug Uglies: 256 Third Ave. (between 20th & 21st St.) (212) 780-1944
Sidebar: 120 E. 15th St. (Irving Pl.) (212) 677-2900
Stone Creek: 140 E. 27th St. (bet. Lexington & Third Ave.) (212) 532-1037
Watering Hole: 106 E. 19th St. (bet. Park Ave. S. & Irving Pl.) (212) 674-5783
W. 30s:
American Whiskey: 247 W. 30th St. (between 7th & 8th Ave.) (212) 967-1070
The Australian: 20 W. 38th St. (between Fifth & Sixth Ave.) (212) 869-8601
Clinton Hall: 16 W. 36th St. (between 5th & 6th Ave.) (212) 695-0036
Foley’s: 18 W. 33rd St. (between 5th & 6th Ave.) (212) 290-0080
Habanero Blues: 29 W. 36th St. (between Fifth & Sixth Ave.) (646) 259-3999
Jack Doyle’s: 230 W. 35th St. (between 7th & 8th Ave.) (212) 268-1255
John Sullivan’s: 210 W. 35th St. (between 7th & 8th Ave.) (646) 362-2511
Karaoke City: 22 W. 32nd St. (between Fifth & Sixth Ave.) 7th Floor (646) 791-8318
The Keg Room: 53 W. 36th St. (between 5th & 6th Ave.) (212) 643-1400
Legends: 6 W. 33rd St. (between 5th & 6th Ave.) (212) 967-7792
The Liberty: 29 W. 35th St. (between 5th & 6th Ave.) (212) 967-4000
Local: 1 Penn Plaza (33rd St. between 7th & 8th Ave.) (212) 760-2700
Lucy’s Cantina Royale: 1 Penn Plaza (33rd St. bet. 7th & 8th Ave.) (212) 643-1270
Pennsylvania 6: 132 W. 31st St. (between 6th & 7th Ave.) (212) 727-3666
Playwright Irish Pub: 27 W. 35th St. (bet. 5th & 6th Ave.) (212) 268-8868
Reichenbach Hall: 5 W. 37th St. (between 5th & 6th Ave.) (212) 302-7744
Rick’s Cabaret: 50 W. 33rd St. (between 5th & Broadway) (212) 372-0850
Scallywags: 508 Ninth Ave. (between 38th & 39th St.) (646) 490-4803
The Tailor Public House: 505 Eighth Ave. (35th St.) (646) 949-4900
Tempest Bar: 407 Eighth Ave. (30th St.) (212) 643-1502
E. 30s:
The Black Sheep: 583 Third Ave. (between 38th & 39th St.) (212) 599-3476
Blue Haven East: 493 Third Ave. (between 33rd & 34th St.) (646) 678-4200
Brother Jimmy’s BBQ: 181 Lexington Ave. ( 31st St.) (212) 779-4727
5th & Mad: 7 E. 36th St. (between Madison & Fifth Ave.) (212) 725-2353
The Junction: 329 Lexington Ave. (between 38th & 39th St.) (212) 682-7700
Peter Dillon’s: 4 E. 36th St. (between 5th & Madison Ave.) (212) 300-4091
Slattery’s Midtown Pub: 8 E. 36th St. (bet. Madison & Fifth Ave.) (212) 683-6444
Tap Haus 33: 14 E. 33rd St. (between 5th & Madison Ave.) (212) 889-9889
W. 40s:
Copacabana: 268 W. 47th St. (bet. Broadway & Eighth Ave.) (212) 221-2672
Bar Dough: 350 W. 46th St. (between Eighth & Ninth Ave.) (917) 262-0543
Beer Authority: 300 W. 40th St. (Eighth Ave.) (212) 510-8415
Blue: 220 W. 44th St. (between 7th & 8th Ave.) (212) 944-2470
Dalton’s: 611 Ninth Ave. (between 43rd & 44th St.) (212) 245-5511
Hurley’s Saloon: 232 W. 48th St. (bet. Broadway & Eighth Ave.) (212) 765-8981
The Long Acre: 146 W. 47th St. (between 6th & 7th Ave.) (646) 649-3587
Playwright Celtic Pub: 732 Eighth Ave. (bet. 45th & 46th St.) (212) 354-8404
Printer’s Alley: 215 W. 40th St. (between 7th & 8th Ave.) (212) 419-2770
The Ribbon: 220 W. 44th St. (between 7th & 8th Ave.) (212) 944-2474
E. 40s:
Peter Dillon’s: 130 E. 40th St. (bet. Lexington & Third Ave.) (212) 213-3998
Public House: 140 E. 41st St. (bet. Lexington & Park Ave.) (212) 682-3710
East Village:
Amsterdam Billiards: 110 E. 11th St. (bet. 3rd & 4th Ave.) (212) 995-0333
Central Bar: 109 E. 9th St. (between 3rd & 4th Ave.) (212) 529-5333
Coyote Ugly Saloon: 153 First Ave. (between 9th & 10th St.) (212) 477-4431
Crocodile Lounge: 325 E. 14th St. (bet. First & Second Ave.) (212) 477-7747
Doc Holliday’s: 141 Avenue A (9th St.) (212) 979-0312
Finnerty’s: 221 Second Ave. (between 13th & 14th St.) (212) 677-2655
Nowhere: 322 E. 14th St. (between 1st & 2nd Ave.) (212) 477-4744
The Phoenix: 447 E. 13th St. (between First Ave. & Ave. A) (212) 477-9979
Solas: 232 E. 9th St. (between Second & Third Ave.) (212) 375-0297
Vazac’s Horseshoe Bar: 108 Avenue B (E. 7th St.) (212) 473-8840