Everybody likes to have something to look forward to. A fun and easy way to look forward to something is while celebrating annual events. Events so fun that when they are over, people say, “we should do this every year!” In our continuous efforts to “connect the fun to the fun people”, we present our MurphGuide List of Annual Events and how to celebrate them in and around NYC for the month of September, 2023.
MurphGuide Listing of Annual Events in NYC
August-September 2023
Aug. 25 – Sep. 8: 5th Borough Comedy Fest 5thBoroughComedy.com
Aug. 28 – Sep. 10: US Open Tennis USOpen.org
Aug. 31 – Sep. 3: NYC Unicycle Festival NYCUnifest.com
September 2023
Sep. 1st – Oct. 7th: Walk & Wag animalleague.org/walkandwag1st – 3rd: Electric Zoo Festival ElectricZooFestival.com
1st-10th: Brooklyn Wildlife Summer Festival brooklynwildlife.tumblr.com/
2nd: Hockey Helps 24 Hour Marathon HockeyHelpsMarathon.com
2nd: West Indian Day Parade & Carnival WIADCAcarnival.org
2nd: Brooklyn Oyster Fest TheOysterTour.com
2nd-4th: Richmond County Fair HistoricRichmondTown.org 3rd: Hooley on the Hudson UlsterAOH.com
4th: Labor Day
4th-17th: Broadway Week NYCGo.com
7th-13th: New York Fashion Week FashionWeekOnline.com
7th: NFL Opening Thursday Night NFL.co>m
7th: National Beer Lovers Day NationalDayCalendar.com
8th-10th: Queens County Fair QueensFarm.org
8th-10th: The Long Island Fair LIFair.org
8th-Oct. 29th: Watermark Oktoberfest Oktober-fest.nyc
9th – 10th: Montauk Seafood Festival MontaukSeafoodFestival.com
9th: Pig Island PigIsland.com
9th: National Weiner Schnitzel Day NationalToday.com
9th: NYC Honey Fest NYCHoneyWeek.org
9th: AOH Half-Way to St. Patrick’s Day 5K Run runsignup.com
9th: RVC Playing on the Porch RockvilleCentreChamberofCommerce.com
9th: Town of Islip SeaFest IslipNY.gov
10th: Fifth Avenue Mile: NYRR.org
10th: Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure KomenNYC.org
10th: MS Society Race to the TopNationalMSsociety.org
10th: NFL Week 1 Opening Day NFL.com
10th: Babylon Beautification Society Fair BabylonBeautification.org
11th: Anniversary of 9-11-01 Attacks [Never forget]
11th: NFL Monday Night Football Opening Night NFL.com
12th: Friendly Sons of St. Patrick on Long Island Annual Meeting FSSPLI.org
12th: Harboring Hearts Golf Outing HarboringHearts.org
14th-24th: Feast of San Gennaro SanGennaroNYC.org
15th – Nov. 9th: The Great Jack O’Lantern Blaze: Hudson Valley PumpkinBlaze.org
16th: German-American Steuben Day Parade GermanParadeNYC.org
16th: Poseidon’s Parade PoseidonsParade.com
16th: Mexican Independence Day
16th: The Great Irish Fair IABSNY.org
16th: Long Beach Oyster Fest TheOysterTour.com
16th: Dubtoberfest DestinationUnknownBeerCompany.com
17th: African-American Day Parade AfricanAmericanDayParade.org
17th: Nassau County Feis NassauAOHfeis.com
17th-18th: Camp Doughboy Weekend EastCoastDoughboys.com
18th: Donald R. Broderick Memorial Scholarship Golf Outing: Jasper66.com
21st: Party With Purpose Annual GalaPartywithPurpose.org 22nd: Andy Troy’s Annual End of Summer Luau TastingNYC.com
22nd-23rd: Staten Island Greek Festival SIGreekFestival.org
22nd-Nov. 5th: The Great Jack O’Lantern Blaze: Long Island PumpkinBlaze.org
23rd: Taste of the Seaport TasteoftheSeaport.org
23rd: New York Wine Fest WinefestNewYork.com
23rd: Rockaway Oyster Fest TheOysterTour.com
23rd: Miss Coney Island Pageant ConeyIsland.com
23rd: Rock Out Cures RockOutCures.com
23rd: Global Citizen Festival GlobalCitizen.org
23rd: RVC St. Patrick’s Day Parade Kickoff Event RVCStPatrick.com
23rd: Pour the Core Long Island: A Hard Cider Fest PourTheCore.com
23rd: Yonkers River Fest YonkersDowntown.com
23rd-24th: East End Maritime Festival EastEndSeaport.org
24th: Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Run Tunnel2Towers.org
24th: Family Day at the Races PaddyReillyMemorialFoundation.org
24th- Oct. 2nd: Brooklyn Book Festival BrooklynBookFestival.org
28th: National Drink Beer Day NationalDayCalendar.com
28th-Oct. 1st: The NY Burlesque Festival TheNewYorkBurlesqueFestival.com
28th-Oct. 2nd: Brooklyn Americana Music Festival BkAMFcom
29th: Aisling Irish Center Dinner Dance AislingCenter.org
Sep. 29 – Oct. 15th: New York Film Festival FilmLinc.org
29th – Nov. 4th: Blood ManorBloodManor.com
30th: [re-scheduled to Oct. 1] Bales & Ales NYBG.org
30th: Hash House Harriers Red Dress Run HashNYC.com
30th: [postponed] Meet Me On McLean Fall Festival MeetMeOnMcLean.com
The Medieval Festival at Fort Tryon Park WHIDC.org[October 2023]