Everybody likes to have something to look forward to. A fun and easy way to look forward to something is while celebrating annual events. Events so fun that when they are over, people say, “we should do this every year!” In our continuous efforts to “connect the fun to the fun people”, we present our MurphGuide List of Annual Events and how to celebrate them in and around NYC for the month of October, 2019.
MurphGuide Listing of Annual Events in NYC
October 2019
1st-31st: Breast Cancer Awareness Month NationalBreastCancer.org
1st-30th: MLB Playoffs MLB.com
1st-31st: NYC Fringe Festival FringeNYC.org
1st-3rd: The Event Planner Expo TheEventPlannerExpo.com
3rd: Bacon & Beer Classic BaconandBeerClassic.com
3rd: Dollar Slice Night SliceOutHunger.org
3rd-6th: New York Comic Con NewYorkComicCon.com
4th: National Taco Day National Taco Day
4th: National Vodka Day NationalVodkaDay.com
4th: RVCBCC Black & White Cocktail Party RVCbcc.org
4th-20th: African Restaurant Week NYARW.com
5th: Stone Street Oyster Festival UlyssesNYC.com
5th: St. Brendan’s Day – Long Beach, NY facebook.com/AOHLBNY
5th: Queens Beer Festival QueensBeerFestival.com
5th-6th: New York Pizza Festival NYCPizzaFestival.com
5th-6th: Kiltfest NJ KiltfestNJ.com
6th: Pulaski Day Parade PulaskiParade.org
6th: Lower East Side Pickle Day PickleDay.nyc
7th: Great Sports Legends Dinner TheMiamiProject.org
9th: International Beer & Pizza Day BeerandPizzaDay.com
10th: American Celtic Ball ICCUSA.org
10th-13th: New York City Wine & Food Festival NYCWFF.org
11th: National Coming Out Day hrc.org
11th-13th: New Yorker Festival festival.NewYorker.com
11th-13th: New York Coffee Festival NewYorkCoffeeFestival.com
11th-14th: Long Island Fall Festival LIfallfestival.com
11th-20th: MLB League Championship Series MLB.com
11th-20th: Cocktails for Comfort ChemoComfort.org
12th: NYC Cupcake Run NYCCupcakeRun.com
12th: Diwali at Times Square DiwaliTimesSquare.com
12th: Gavin’s Guinness Fest GavinsInn.com
12th: Long Island Tequila Fest VerdeKitchen.com/tequila-fest/
12th-20th: New York Rye Week RyeWeek
13th: Children’s Hope India Annual Gala ChildrensHopeIndia.org
14th: Columbus Day
15th-18th: Mondo NYC Mondo.nyc
16th: World Food Day FAO.org
16th: UCD Smurfit School Benefit Dinner SmurfitSchool.ie
17th-21st: Rockaway Film Festival RockawayFilmFestival.com
17th-24th: Brooklyn Horror Film Festival BrooklynHorrorFest.com
18th: Pat Joyce Foundation Benefit facebook.com/The-Patrick-Joyce-Memorial-Fund
18th: Plate by Plate: Annual Tasting Benefit PlatebyPlate.org
19th: Taste of the Seaport TasteoftheSeaport.org
19th: OctFest International Beer, Music, & Food Celebration Octfest.co
19th: Brooklyn Marathon TheBrooklynMarathon.com
19th: 99th Running of the Far Hills Race Meeting FarHillsRace.org
19th: Tompkins Square Halloween Dog Parade TompkinsSquareDogRun.com
19th: Post Office Cafe’s Race for MPS ThePostOfficeCafe.com
19th-20th: Oyster Festival – Oyster Bay, NY TheOysterFestival.org
20th: Yonkers Marathon YonkersNY.gov
22nd-3oth: World Series MLB.com
22nd-28th: Sunnyside Restaurant Week SunnysideShines.org
23rd: Stitch’s Chicken Wing Eating Contest StitchNYC.com
24th: Go Project Fall Cocktail Party GoProjectNYC.org
25th: Fight C. Diff Gala PeggyFoundation.org
25th, 26th, 31st: Halloween Pub Crawls: PubCrawls.com
25th – 27th: Irish Screen America IrishScreenAmerica.com
26th: Knicks Home Opener NBA.com/knicks
27th: Diwali
28th: EIIC Fall Fundraiser EIIC.org
28th-30th: New York Cabaret Convention MabelMercer.org
29th: Seeds of Hope Awards ConcernUSA.org
31st: Halloween
31st: Halloween Parade Halloween-NYC.com
31st: Joonbug’s Haunted Mansion: BarCrawls.com