Everybody likes to have something to look forward to. A fun and easy way to look forward to something is while celebrating annual events. Events so fun that when they are over, people say, “we should do this every year!” In our continuous efforts to “connect the fun to the fun people”, we present our MurphGuide List of Annual Events and how to celebrate them in and around NYC for the month of December, 2023.
MurphGuide Listing of Annual Events in NYC
December 2023
1st: Concern Global Gala ConcernUSA.org
1st: National Bartender Day NationalDayCalendar.com
1st-3rd: 14th Annual IAC PoetryFest IrishArtsCenter.org
2nd: 43rd annual John Lennon Tribute LennonTribute.org
2nd: Repeal Day Party RepealSociety.com
2nd: 12th Annual Ugly Sweater Pub Crawl PubCrawls.com
2nd: Queens Baseball Convention QueensBaseballConvention.com
2nd: Mercy Ball MercyBall.com
3rd: Steve Earl: 9th annual John Henry’s Friends Benefit: SteveEarle.com
3rd: Park Avenue Tree Lighting FundForParkAvenue.org
3rd: Carl Schurz Park Tree Lighting CarlSchurzParkNYC.org
3rd: Astoria Park Tree Lighting CentralAstoria.nyc
4th: Adapt Holiday Cheer Celebration AdaptCommunityNetwork.org
5th: Lincoln Square Magical Lights LincolnSquareBID.org
5th: Repeal Day RepealDay.org
6th: Harboring Hearts Gala: HarboringHearts.org
6th: Washington Square Park Tree Lighting WashingtonSquareNYC.org
6th: Holiday Cheer for FUV WFUV.org
7th: Battery Park City Holiday Lights BPCA.ny.gov
7th: DUMBO Tree Lighting dumbo.is
7th-15th: Chanukah
8th: Jingle Ball Z100.IHeart.com
8th: New York Croons for Christmas NewYorkIrishCenter.org
9th: Santacon Santacon.nyc
9th: Andy Mac & Friends Holiday Benefit AndyMacMusic.com
9th-10th: Littlefield’s 7th Annual Holiday Market LittlefieldNYC.com
10th: Tompkins Square Park Tree Lighting NYCGovParks.org
10th: National Lager Day NationalDayCalendar.com
11th: New York City Christmas Concert to Benefti ASTEP PublicTheater.org
12th: Night of Too Many Stars: NextForAutism.org
13th: IBO Christmas Party IBONewYork.org
16th: Wreaths Across America WreathsAcrossAmerica.org
16th: Gotham Girls Roller Derby End of Season Party GothamGirlsRollerDerby.com
16, 18, 19, 21-23, 26-30:
College Bowl Games
17th: Blank-Fest BlankFest.org
20th: National Sangria Day NationalDayCalendar.com
21st: Make Music Winter MakeMusicNY.org
23rd: Festivus (for the rest of us)
24th: Christmas Eve
24th: Matzo Ball MatzoBall.org
25th: Christmas Day
26th – Jan. 1st: Kwanzaa
26th: Kwanzaa Crawl KwanzaaCrawl.com
31st: New Year’s Eve
January 2024
1st: College Football Semi-Finals CollegeFootballPlayoff.com
6th: 17th Annual 50 First Jokes TheBellHouseNY.com
8th: College Football National Championship CollegeFootballPlayoff.com