Everybody likes to have something to look forward to. A fun and easy way to look forward to something is while celebrating annual events. Events so fun that when they are over, people say, “we should do this every year!” In our continuous efforts to “connect the fun to the fun people”, we present our MurphGuide List of Annual Events and how to celebrate them in and around NYC for the month of December, 2019.
MurphGuide Listing of Annual Events in NYC
December 2019
2nd: Winter’s Eve at Lincoln Square WintersEve.nyc
2nd: Winterland Tree Lighting at South St. Seaport SeaportDistrict.nyc
3rd: Whiskyfest Whiskyfest.com
3rd: Adapt Santa Project Party AdaptCommunityNetwork.org
4th: Rockefeller Tree Lighting RockefellerCenter.com
5th: Bryant Park Tree Lighting BryantPark.org
5th: Battery Park City Holiday Lights BPCParks.org
5th: DUMBO Tree Lighting dumbo.is
5th: Wall Street Tree Lighting nyse.com
5th: Repeal Day RepealDay.org
5th: Repeal Day Party RepealSociety.com
5th-7th: Janelle James Comedy Festival JanelleJamesComedyFestival.com
6th: 39th annual John Lennon Tribute LennonTribute.org
6th: Concern Winter Ball ConcernUSA.org
6th: Gotham Girls Roller Derby Awards Night GothamGirlsRollerDerby.com
7th: Club Pet Holiday Benefit ClubPetNYC.com
7th: Mercy Ball MercyBall.com
8th: Battle of the Breweries Chili Throwdown TheSpringLounge.com
8th: Tompkins Square Park Tree Lighting NYCGovParks.org
8th: Park Avenue Tree Lighting FundForParkAvenue.org
8th: Astoria Park Tree Lighting CentralAstoria.nyc
9th: Washington Square Park Tree Lighting WashingtonSquareParkConservancy.org
9th: New York City Christmas Concert to Benefti ASTEP JoesPub.com
10th: National Lager Day NationalDayCalendar.com
12th: IBO Christmas Party IBONewYork.org
14th: Santacon NYCSantacon.com
14th: NYC Santacon Pub Crawl PubCrawls.com
14th: Christmas in Coney Winter Wonderwheel Spectacular ConeyIsland.com
14th: Harry & the Potters’ Yule Ball TheBellHouseNY.com
14th: Andy Mac & Friends Holiday Benefit AndyMacMusic.com
14th: Wreaths Across America WreathsAcrossAmerica.org
16th: Latke Festival LatkeFestival.com
17th: Steve Earl: John Henry’s Friends Benefit: SteveEarle.com
20-21, 23-24, 26-28, 30-31:
College Bowl Games
21st: Make Music Winter MakeMusicNY.org
22nd: Menorah Horah ThirstyGirlProductions.com
22nd-30th: Chanukah
23rd: Festivus (for the rest of us)
24th: Christmas Eve
24th: The Ball Tribester.com
24th: Matzo Ball MatzoBall.org
25th: Christmas Day
26th: Kwanzaa Crawl KwanzaaCrawl.com
26th – Jan. 1st: Kwanzaa
28th: College Football Semi-Finals CollegeFootballPlayoff.com
31st: New Year’s Eve
Dates Pending:
12 Bars of Christmas Bar Crawl 12BarsNYC.com