Everybody likes to have something to look forward to. A fun and easy way to look forward to something is while celebrating annual events. Events so fun that when they are over, people say, “we should do this every year!” In our continuous efforts to “connect the fun to the fun people”, we present our MurphGuide List of Annual Events and how to celebrate them in and around NYC.
1st-30th: Blue Note Jazz Festival BlueNoteJazzFestival.com
2nd, 3rd, 4th: Governor’s Ball Music Festival GovernorsBallMusicFestival.com
3rd, 4th: 5th annual Rockaway/Breezy Point Irish Fest Irishfest21.com
3rd: Lower Hudson Valley Craft Beer Festival LHVcraftbeerfest.com
3rd, 4th: Figment NYC FigmentProject.org
5th: Taste of Times Square TimesSquareNYC.org
5th: Musical Chairs in Bryant Park BryantPark.org
5th: Museum of Modern Art Party in the Garden moma.org
5th-11th: Negroni Week NegroniWeek.com
6th: Women of Concern Awards Concernusa.org
7th-11th: The Northside Festival NorthsideFestival.com
7th: Celebrate Brooklyn Festival Opening Night BRICartsmedia.org
8th-15th: Lower East Side Film Festival LESFilmFestival.com
10th: 149th Belmont Stakes BelmontStakes.com
10th: 3rd Annual Pour The Core: Hard Cider Festival PourTheCore.com
10th: Flux-a-thon Flux-a-thon.com
10th-11th: Big Apple BBQ BigAppleBBQ.org
10th-11th: Staten Ireland Festival StatenIrelandIrish.com
11th: The Tony Awards Tonyawards.com
11th: National Puerto Rican Day Parade NPRDPinc.org
11th: New Jersey Irish Festival at Monmouth Park: NJIrishFestival.com
13th: Taste of Bushwick thebushwickstarr.org/TasteofBushwick
13th-16th, 18th: Philharmonic in the Park NYPhil.org
14th: The Celtic Cruise CelticCharity.com
14th: National Bourbon Day NationalDayCalendar.com
14th-25th: River to River Festival LMCC.net
15th-16th: New York New Belfast Conference Aisling-Events.com
16th: Bloom’s Day
16th-25th: NYC Pride Week NYCPride.org
16th-18th: Mountain Jam Mountainjam.com
17th: Coney Island Mermaid Parade ConeyIsland.com
17th: The 12th Annual Tavern Cup 10k TrimaraSports.com
17th: Rooftop Crawl RooftopCrawl.com
18th: Father’s Day
18th: Punk Island PunkIslandNYC.com
19th: Bryant Park Summer Movie Series BryantPark.org
19th: National Martini Day NationalDayCalendar.com
20th: Brooklyn Cyclones Opening Day BrooklynCyclones.com
21st: First Day of Summer
21st: Make Music NY MakeMusicNY.org
21st: IN-NYC Summer Party IrishNetwork-usa.org
22nd: NBA Draft NBA.com
23rd: A Taste of Guatemala TasteofGuatemala.com
23rd-25th: Del Close Marathon DelCloseMarathon.com
23rd-25th: Rockland-Bergen Music Festival – RocklandMusicFestival.com
24th: NYC Craft Beer Fest NYCcraftbeerfest.com
25th: NYC Pride March NYCPride.org
25th: Dyke March NYC DykeMarchNYC.org
27th – July 8: Midsummer Night Swing MidsummerNightSwing.org