Latest Past Events

Taverns and the Emergence of the Colonial American Culinary Scene

Wednesday, February 10, 2021 Culinary Historians of New York presents... Taverns and the Emergence of the Colonial American Culinary Scene Vaughn Scribner discussing how urban tavern-going bought 18C notions of health and sociability full circle. Free for Culinary Historians of New York members $10 for non-members and guests Register via eventbrite As the most numerous, […]

OlioFest: A 12-Hour Audio Experience

Saturday, January 16, 2021 Think Olio presents... OlioFest: A 12-Hour Audio Experience an all-day celebration of the Think Olio Collective. In the spirit of some of the great public access variety shows and telethons of the past, Think Olio will host a 12-hour radio show featuring notable Olios from our archive, new professor voices, updates […]

Past to Apron: Food History Conference

Saturday, June 27, 2020 Past to Apron A mixing, blending, stirring up...of history and culinary...introducing Past to Apron. Past to Apron is a virtual conference focused on culinary history. The one day event will feature a variety of speakers highlighting different facets of culinary history. There are 12 talks in total that will take you […]

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