The Macy’s Balloon Blow-Up Night on The Upper West Side
To get yourself in the holiday spirit, go watch Macy’s fill up the giant corporate logos & cartoon characters that are the Macy’s Parade balloons. The night before the parade, the balloons are inflated on either side of the Museum of Natural History (W.77th & W. 81st, between Central Park West and Columbus Ave.).
Viewing is permitted on the north side of 77th and the south side of 81st St. For crowd control purposes, you must enter the queue on W. 72nd St. & Columbus Ave. and exit at Central Park West between W. 82nd & W. 86th St. [See map] Be prepared for a crowd.
You can check out the weather here.
We suggest you hit one of the many bars on the Upper West Side afterwards.
See our Directory of the Bars of the Upper West Side for some suggestions…
The Bars of the Upper West Side