Chelsea Brewing Company
Latest Past Events
Brazen Head 16th Anniversary Celebration
The Brazen Head 228 Atlantic Ave. (between Court St. & Boerum Pl.), Boerum Hill, BrooklynFriday, April 1, 2016 Brazen Head 16th Anniversary Pink, black & silver attire encouraged featuring photo booth, swag bags. Catered hors d'oeuvres 9-11pm. $6 well drinks & 2 special wines. Special cask from Chelsea Brewery. 9pm - 4am at: The Brazen Head 228 Atlantic Ave. (between Court St. & Boerum Pl.) Boerum Hill, Brooklyn, NY […]
Chelsea Brewery Launch Party at The Brazen Head
The Brazen Head 228 Atlantic Ave. (between Court St. & Boerum Pl.), Boerum Hill, BrooklynTuesday, January 26, 2016 Chelsea Brewery Launch Party featuring $5 pints of Chelsea Brewery beer: Sunset Red, Checker Cab, Hop Angel and Black Hole Stout special bonus: a cask of Chelsea Winter Wheet 6-8pm at: The Brazen Head 228 Atlantic Ave. (between Court St. & Boerum Pl.) Boerum Hill, Brooklyn, NY (718) 488-0430